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$6.00 per hour


Charged in quarter hour increments, with a minimum of a 1 hour charge.


Daily Discounts

Full Day Discount (8 or more hours) 10%
Multi Child Discount (2 Kids) 5%
Multi Child Discount (3 Kids) 10%
Multi Child Discount (4+ Kids) 15%

* Daily Discounts may not be used with Voucher as they are already discounted rates

Prepaid Vouchers

Voucher 1 ($110 of Childcare) - $100.00
Voucher 2 ($225 of Childcare) - $200.00
Voucher 3 ($350 of Childcare) - $300.00
Voucher 4($465 of Childcare) - $400.00
Voucher 5  ($585 of Childcare) - $500.00
Voucher 6 ($700 of Childcare) - $600.00

Additional Charges

Breakfast FREE
Lunch $4.00
Dinner $4.00
Diapers $0.75 per diaper
Extra Clothes (refund on return) $5.00
Late Charge (per minute – per child) $1.00
* Snacks provided at no additional charge​

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